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What can I do to protect myself?


What is Identity Theft? 

Identity theft is the fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain. 

Identity theft can happen to anyone and can take many forms. Bad actors could open a credit card or utility account in someone else's name, or use that information to get a loan, a job. or medical care. They might even file taxes in someone else's name to get a refund. 

Here's What You Can Do 

Here are some leading practices to keep your identity safe

Protect your Social Security number

Fight "phishing" - don't take the bait

Use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication

Exercise caution on social media sites

Use security software on your PC and mobile devices

Review your financial and other statements regularly

Regularly inspect your credit report

Stop pre-approved credit offers (

What to Do if You are Scammed

If you feel an email contains a scam, don't respond. Block the sender.

If it's a phone call - hang up!

If you provide your personal information, contact your financial institution immediately. 

Verify then trust the source. 

If You're a Victim

Immediately change any passwords you might have revealed. Consider reporting the attack to and the police, and file a report with the Federal Trade Commission